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Import originarias de: Letonia

Country of origin Letonia
Total FOB (USD): 144.933.177,67 - Operation quantity: 3.458

Definite Import
Total FOB (USD): 144.933.177,67 - Operation quantity: 3.458

PeriodFOB value (USD)Freight (USD)CIF (USD)Net weightGross weightMovements
20247,31 [M]720.667,118,10 [M]6,61 [M]6,90 [M]235
20239,74 [M]1,17 [M]10,99 [M]6,06 [M]6,23 [M]296
20227,60 [M]1,89 [M]9,56 [M]7,14 [M]7,37 [M]269
20218,78 [M]1,17 [M]10,02 [M]7,73 [M]8,30 [M]283
202012,73 [M]1,40 [M]14,21 [M]6,65 [M]6,92 [M]228
20196,45 [M]585.909,587,08 [M]6,19 [M]6,47 [M]235
20186,38 [M]710.064,617,14 [M]6,82 [M]7,40 [M]243
20176,34 [M]706.568,787,11 [M]10,51 [M]10,94 [M]280
20164,73 [M]734.856,205,50 [M]11,01 [M]11,58 [M]234
20157,33 [M]747.567,108,12 [M]9,74 [M]10,18 [M]188

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