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Import originarias de: Túnez

Country of origin Túnez
Total FOB (USD): 58.025.326,99 - Operation quantity: 2.965

Definite Import
Total FOB (USD): 58.025.326,99 - Operation quantity: 2.965

PeriodFOB value (USD)Freight (USD)CIF (USD)Net weightGross weightMovements
20244,29 [M]291.849,804,59 [M]1,01 [M]1,03 [M]220
20233,07 [M]274.935,073,35 [M]397.165,07405.094,73185
20225,41 [M]624.007,626,04 [M]3,72 [M]3,78 [M]143
20213,81 [M]395.339,784,21 [M]2,88 [M]2,92 [M]164
20203,33 [M]501.057,313,84 [M]1,49 [M]1,51 [M]175
20195,46 [M]622.911,996,10 [M]3,72 [M]3,82 [M]252
20182,92 [M]239.988,023,16 [M]1,90 [M]1,91 [M]235
20172,35 [M]193.043,002,55 [M]1,18 [M]1,21 [M]194
20161,84 [M]137.762,701,99 [M]649.946,70662.756,77182
2015961.064,7793.521,551,06 [M]30.274,5833.260,69167

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