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Export destinadas hacia: Trinidad y Tobago

Destination Trinidad y Tobago
Total FOB (USD): 380.964.912,33 - Operation quantity: 8.464

Definite Export
Total FOB (USD): 380.964.912,33 - Operation quantity: 8.464

Place of shipmentFOB value (USD)Freight (USD)CIF (USD)Net weightGross weightMovements
Chile340,05 [M]29,32 [M]369,65 [M]361,98 [M]383,15 [M]7.790
Inexistente (08)104,31 [M]10,67 [M]115,07 [M]144,73 [M]152,19 [M]1.841
Inexistente (13101)57,26 [M]8,12 [M]65,40 [M]85,97 [M]88,01 [M]480
Inexistente (13)60,64 [M]3,97 [M]64,69 [M]26,23 [M]29,61 [M]2.027
Inexistente (255)45,91 [M]2,83 [M]48,77 [M]48,66 [M]51,44 [M]951
Inexistente (06)35,34 [M]2,37 [M]37,71 [M]15,05 [M]18,22 [M]1.046
Inexistente (13114)30,14 [M]3,20 [M]33,35 [M]62,28 [M]64,42 [M]973
Inexistente (09)7,71 [M]671.073,008,39 [M]10,66 [M]11,02 [M]55
Inexistente (13132)5,66 [M]292.519,015,95 [M]2,98 [M]3,19 [M]69
Inexistente (05)4,26 [M]233.323,394,50 [M]2,14 [M]2,27 [M]136

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